New Exams Available for Pilot Testing

We are happy to announce that we have 3 newly developed exams that are now available for pilot testing! The Paramedic Readiness Exam 5, Advanced Medical Life Support, and EMT Entrance Exams are all live on our pilot testing site. You can help the Fisdap community by administering pilot tests to your students. This essential step of the exam development process determines the validity of test items and future direction of the assessments.
For more information about:
- The PRE5 exam, click here.
- The AMLS exam, click here.
- The EMTEA exam, click here.
Ready to Get Started?
Fisdap includes the EMS community in all phases of item creation and validation. Participating in Fisdap Pilot Testing creates reward points that can be redeemed for discounts on Fisdap Testing products. Please contact your instructor if you are willing to participate in the pilot testing process or Christie Morley at [email protected] if you would like more information about the exam development process. To access all of the pilot tests, visit the pilot testing site.