Fisdap Instructor Tutorial: How do I add a Student Group?
Jul 2, 2020
Fisdap student groups are an organizational tool that we provide instructors to use at their discretion. By sorting students into groups, you can limit which instructors receive emails about specific students as well as easily find a group
of students when using our search filters.
An example of an application for student groups is an EMT program that has a day class and a night class--each with its own instructor. They can divide the students into two groups
(day and night) and then limit instructor emails so that the day class instructor only receives emails pertaining to the day class students--and vice versa.
Add a Student Group
- Go to the orange Account tab.
- Under Program Settings, click the Student Group link.
- Click on the Add Student Group button and the Edit Student Group page will appear.
- Give the student group a name.
- Determine when the group is active. (An active group will be visible in search filters and an inactive group will be hidden.) Use the calendars to set the date range. The default dates will be set to start today and end a year from today.
- To add students, click on the Add/Remove button under the list for Students. An Add/Remove Students window will appear that displays two lists of students. Click on a student's name to highlight it and then hit the arrow to move students from the Available Students list to the Selected Students list.
- To remove a student, choose him from the list of Selected Students and move back to the Available Students list.
- To add instructors to the student group, click on the Add/Remove button under the list for Instructors. An Add/Remove Instructors window will appear that displays two lists. Click on an instructor's name to highlight it and then hit the arrow to move him from the Available Instructors list to the Selected Instructors list.
- To remove an instructor, choose him from the list of Selected Instructors and move back to the Available Instructors list.
- Check the box for Only send email notifications about this student group to the selected instructors if you want those instructors to be the only ones to receive emails pertaining to the selected students.
- NOTE: For all students who are NOT in a student group, emails will be sent to all instructors who have the Receive email events box checked in their instructor account settings.
- When setting up a student group, you may designate students to act as teaching assistants (TAs) for that section. A teaching assistant is authorized to confirm evals for any student in his or her class section. Set this up the same way you would students or instructors.
- Always be sure to save your changes.
Edit a Student Group
- Go to the orange Account tab.
- Under Program Settings and Evaluations, click the Student Group link.
- Click on the Active or Inactive lists of student groups to find the one that you would like to update and then click the Edit button.
- If you want to make a student group inactive, a shortcut is to simply click the Deactivate button. (This also changes the last date the student group is "active" to today's date, thereby expiring.)
- From the Edit Student Group page, make any necessary changes and be sure to click the Save button.