Paramedic Unit Exams Version 2 Coming Soon
Jan 28, 2021

Paramedic Unit Exams Version 2 (PUE V2)
Unit exams are a series of secure, computer-based tests. These exams are great tools for assessing your students, diagnosing knowledge gaps, and identifying a plan of action for remediation. The PUE V2 can be used in conjunction with PUE V1 as additional practice, or as new content for remediation and re-assessment.
With the new PUEv2, you can look forward to:
- Reinforced exam security with brand new content.
- More comprehensive learning prescriptions with additional sections to provide specific categories and subtopics that students should focus on when studying.
- A separate unit exam for Pediatrics, which has been separated from the OB/Gyn content.
View the PUE V2 Technical Manual to learn more!