Fisdap Instructor Tutorial: How do I mark a student as compliant?

by  Fisdap     Jan 13, 2022

If you have permission, you can track people’s progress as they complete their assigned requirements by marking them “compliant” for each one. To mark someone compliant,
1. From anywhere in the Scheduler, go to the Compliance drop-down menu.
2. Click on the Edit Status link.
3. You have two options for editing compliance status - By Requirements and By People.

Edit Compliance Status By Requirements:

Allows you to select requirements and retrieve the info about the people who have had those requirements assigned to them. This option is ideal for marking multiple people compliant for the same requirement.

Select one or more requirements by clicking on them in the list. You can use the gray Program, Site, and Shared buttons to filter your list, or type a requirement title in the search box to easily find the one you are looking for.

If you want to retrieve info about everyone who has these requirements, leave the “Edit compliance status for” button flipped to all. If you want to retrieve info about a select group of people who have these requirements, flip the button to specific and use the options below to limit your results.

Click Go.

In the Edit Compliance: By Requirement expanded section, results are organized in segments - one for each requirement you selected. Under each requirement, you will see a list of people and their compliance statuses. 

  • To mark someone compliant, toggle the switch next to their name to Compliant, and use the date picker to enter an expiration date if applicable.
  • If all the people in one section are going to be marked compliant, click the Mark all compliant link.
  • If this requirement expires and everyone has a common expiration date, click the gray Expiration button and use the date picker to enter an expiration date. Click the blue Apply button.
    • If everyone has different expiration dates, you can enter them separately using the date pickers to the right of each person’s name.

Once you have finished editing, be sure to click Save.

Edit Compliance Status By People:

Allows you to select one or more people and retrieve info about the requirements that have been assigned to them. This option is ideal for marking one person compliant for multiple requirements.

Select one or more people by clicking on them in the list. You can use the gray Instructors and Students buttons to filter your list, or type a person’s name in the search box to easily find the one you are looking for. Click Go.

Results are organized in sections - one for each person you selected. Under each name, you will see a list of requirements and the compliance status for each one. For each applicable requirement, toggle the switch next to it to Compliant, and use the date picker to enter an expiration date if applicable.

Once you have finished editing, click Save.