Item Writing: Submit Questions and Do Your Part to Help the Fisdap Community

Are you ready to start this year and upcoming semester off strong?
FISDAP is here to help educators start the semester prepared with updated exams. That means we need our community to contribute EMT level items following the blueprint and these examples.
Practically speaking, the objective is to create challenging exams that will prepare students for the level of difficulty they will encounter on their final exams. Due to the conditions created by COVID-19 and resultant online learning, we want to make sure our exams are secure. This means we at FISDAP are committed to creating fresh, new exams with updated questions. We rely on our education professionals to submit a few questions each. When each person in the community helps out a little bit, we can build robust, quality tests.
When creating your items, please adhere to the new EMS educational standards. Here are some resources for your reference:
- American Heart Association Guidelines
- National EMS Education Standards
- NASEMSO Model Guidelines
- Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured, Twelfth Edition
Please refer to the list of most-needed EMT-level item topics below to guide you, but any topics are welcome!
- Therapeutic Communication
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Muscle types & functions
- Reproductive structures & functions
- Renal system structures & functions
- Prefixes/suffixes, root words
- Standard medial abbreviations/acronyms
- Medical
- Pancreatitis
- Peritonitis
- Endocrine (other than diabetic emergencies)
- Clotting disorders
- Sickle cell
- Anemia
- Infectious disease
- Dementia
- Headache/migraine
- Substance use disorder
How to Submit Questions:
1. Email [email protected]
2. Directly through the dashboard of your FISDAP homepage. (image attached) Click on the “contribute test items” link, circled in the image below.
We appreciate your work in building a strong EMS education community. Thank you in advance for your question submissions!