EMS Week 2023: 'Where Emergency Care Begins'—Resources for Instructors

Each May, Emergency Medical Services professionals are celebrated during EMS Week. In 2023, EMS week is May 21 - 27. Public Safety Group wants to take this opportunity to celebrate instructors and those who work hard to ensure the next cohort of EMS providers in the field are the most prepared yet.EMS Week was officially established in 1974 by President Gerald Ford, and is presented through a partnership between the American College of Emergency Physicians and NAEMT. This year's theme is “Where Emergency Care Begins.”
Watch this video from NAEMT for more information on EMS Week 2023:
Often practitioners in the field themselves, EMS instructors need to ensure their students are getting everything they need—be it in a flipped classroom, through distance learning, or in the field—with the goal that students will not simply pass tests and meet on-paper requirements, but also be prepared for the day-to-day challenges of their chosen occupation.
EMS work is constantly evolving. EMS instructors today must go beyond the basics and must consider updated classroom formats to meet the needs of students. For example, EMS instructors need to:
Teach students how to stay safe during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,
Teach students how to keep themselves protected while in the field,
Navigate, assess and address mental health issues in their students, and
Adapt to the shifting learning needs of today’s students while navigating changing critical care regulations and best practices.
PSG’s goal is to give instructors the resources they need to empower the next generation of EMS workers, and to ready them for work in the field. See below for four key products available in various formats.
Emergency Medical Responder: Your First Response in Emergency Care, Seventh Edition
This material clearly and concisely covers every competency required of students embarking on this vital EMS role. Using clear, accessible language and proven pedagogical features designed for first responders with limited medical training, the Seventh Edition prepares law enforcement personnel, firefighters, rescue squad personnel, athletic trainers, college students, and laypersons for the medical emergencies they may one day face in the field.
Download a sample chapter of this content for EMR instructors
Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured, Twelfth Edition
Since 1971, Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured has advanced how EMS education is delivered to help train exceptional EMS professionals around the globe. Fifty years later, the Twelfth Edition is now the most comprehensive, innovative EMT educational solution ever developed. Concepts of teamwork, communication, and empathy are woven throughout the chapters, challenging students to become more compassionate, conscientious health care professionals as well as skilled clinicians.
Download a sample chapter of this content for EMT instructors
Advanced Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured
The all-new Fourth Edition of Advanced Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured combines comprehensive content with an unparalleled suite of digital resources to fully empower AEMT students and educators. Developed by a renowned team of authors and reviewed by AAOS medical editors, the Fourth Edition delivers the latest medical evidence and alignment to current standards, now in a simpler, easier-to-read layout.
Download a sample chapter of this content for AEMT instructors
Nancy Caroline's Emergency Care in the Streets, Ninth Edition
This fully updated edition covers every competency statement of the National EMS Education Standards for Paramedics with clarity and precision in a concise format that ensures student comprehension and encourages critical thinking. This iconic text emphasizes the ideal that becoming a paramedic is a continual pursuit of growth and excellence throughout an entire career. Concepts of team leadership and professionalism are woven throughout the chapters, challenging students to become more compassionate, conscientious health care professionals as well as superior clinicians.
Download a sample chapter of this content for Paramedic instructors
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