
The Fisdap Blog

Fisdap Instructor Tutorial: What is a Share Scheduler?

by  Fisdap     Jan 13, 2022
The concept of Shared Scheduler is fairly simple: If you are using the Fisdap Scheduler, you can share available shifts with other programs or institutions as a way to combine schedules and minimize double-booking. This facilitates the scheduling of students from multiple programs at those select shared sites.


Shared Scheduler works on a per-site basis. To set up or manage your Shared Scheduler network:

1. Go to the orange Account tab.

2. Click on the Sites link (under Program Settings).

3. Choose the site for which you would like to manage sharing, and click Edit.

4. On the Edit Site page, click on the gray Sharing Network tab.

5. There are a few possible options on this tab, depending on the status of the sharing network at this site.

• No Sharing Network:
If no one has set up a sharing network for this site yet, click the blue
Request Sharing button to send a request to Fisdap to start a network for this site.

• Join an Existing Network:
If other programs have already set up a sharing network for this site, click the blue Request Sharing button to send a request to the Admin to join the network. Once the Admin approves your request, you will be added to the network and shared shifts will appear on your calendar. Depending on whether the Admin gives you permission, you may also have the ability to create shifts that are shared with the rest of the network. Shared shifts will appear on your calendar  with the Shared icon:

• Member of an Existing Network:
If the Admin does not permit your program to create shared shifts for this site, you are a Member of the sharing network. You can always remove yourself from the network by selecting your program name from the Sharing list on the right and moving it into the Not Sharing list on the left.

• Admin of an Existing Network:
If the Admin does permit your program to create shared shifts for this site, you are also considered an Admin of the sharing network. (When you create or edit shifts, you can decide on a per-shift-basis whether you want to share the shift, and with whom.) You can accept sharing requests by selecting programs in the Not Sharing list and moving them into the Sharing list on the right; you can also remove programs from the network (including your own) by selecting them in the Sharing list and moving them into the Not Sharing list on the left. Additionally, you can edit other programs’ permissions by selecting them in the Sharing list and clicking

Fisdap Tips & Tricks: 10/2/2019 — Shared Networks

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Fisdap Instructor Tutorial: What is a Share Scheduler?

by  Fisdap     Jan 13, 2022
The concept of Shared Scheduler is fairly simple: If you are using the Fisdap Scheduler, you can share available shifts with other programs or institutions as a way to combine schedules and minimize double-booking. This facilitates the scheduling of students from multiple programs at those select shared sites.


Shared Scheduler works on a per-site basis. To set up or manage your Shared Scheduler network:

1. Go to the orange Account tab.

2. Click on the Sites link (under Program Settings).

3. Choose the site for which you would like to manage sharing, and click Edit.

4. On the Edit Site page, click on the gray Sharing Network tab.

5. There are a few possible options on this tab, depending on the status of the sharing network at this site.

• No Sharing Network:
If no one has set up a sharing network for this site yet, click the blue
Request Sharing button to send a request to Fisdap to start a network for this site.

• Join an Existing Network:
If other programs have already set up a sharing network for this site, click the blue Request Sharing button to send a request to the Admin to join the network. Once the Admin approves your request, you will be added to the network and shared shifts will appear on your calendar. Depending on whether the Admin gives you permission, you may also have the ability to create shifts that are shared with the rest of the network. Shared shifts will appear on your calendar  with the Shared icon:

• Member of an Existing Network:
If the Admin does not permit your program to create shared shifts for this site, you are a Member of the sharing network. You can always remove yourself from the network by selecting your program name from the Sharing list on the right and moving it into the Not Sharing list on the left.

• Admin of an Existing Network:
If the Admin does permit your program to create shared shifts for this site, you are also considered an Admin of the sharing network. (When you create or edit shifts, you can decide on a per-shift-basis whether you want to share the shift, and with whom.) You can accept sharing requests by selecting programs in the Not Sharing list and moving them into the Sharing list on the right; you can also remove programs from the network (including your own) by selecting them in the Sharing list and moving them into the Not Sharing list on the left. Additionally, you can edit other programs’ permissions by selecting them in the Sharing list and clicking

Fisdap Tips & Tricks: 10/2/2019 — Shared Networks
