Scheduler / Shifts
Frequently Asked Questions
To add shifts to the Scheduler:
- Go to the orange Shifts tab.
- Click on the Schedule link.
- Click on the + Field Shift , + Clinical Shift , or + Lab Shift button, depending on which type of shift you want to add.
- Enter all of the information about the shift or series of shifts you are adding (only the first Shift Details tab is required), and click Create Shift(s)
Fisdap Instructor Tutorial: Changing the Scheduler View
Fisdap Instructor Tutorial: Creating Shifts in the Scheduler
The recommended maximum number of shifts created on a single shift series is 500.
Canceling, or deleting, a shift will remove the shift from the schedules of any students that were signed up for that shift. Deleting a shift will also remove all information associated with the shift, including shift history and any student Skills Tracker data that may have been entered.
To delete a shift:
- Go to the orange Shifts tab.
- Click on the Schedule link.
- Click on the shift you want to cancel.
- Click on the Delete button.
If this shift takes place in the future and is part of a repeating series, you will need to choose whether you want to delete Just This Shift or Multiple Shifts in the Series .
• Just this Shift - deletes only the single shift that you have selected.
• Multiple Shifts in the Series - deletes shifts in the series that take place on the dates you select from the calendars beneath it. (By default, the calendars will select shifts that fall on or after the date of the shift you have selected, but you can select and deselect shifts by clicking on each date or using the date pickers to select a range.)
5. Click the Continue button to save changes. If students, instructors, and/or preceptors were scheduled for that shift or group of shifts, they will receive an automatic email alert from Fisdap notifying them that their shift was canceled.
To edit a shift:
Go to the orange Shifts tab.
- Click on the Schedule link.
- Click on the shift you want to edit.
- Click on the Edit button.
If this shift takes place in the future and is part of a repeating series, you will need to choose whether you want to edit Just This Shift or Multiple Shifts in the Series . (If this shift takes place in the past, you cannot edit the shift itself, but you can still Assign/Drop students, or Delete the shift.)
• Just this Shift - edits only the single shift that you have selected.
• Multiple Shifts in the Series - edits shifts in the series that take place on the dates you select from the calendars beneath. (By default, the calendars will select shifts that fall on or after the date of the shift you have selected, but you can select and deselect shifts by clicking on each date or using the date pickers to select a range.)
5. Click the Continue button to go to the Edit Shift interface.
6. Make your changes to the shift or group of repeating shifts you selected, and click Save Shifts. If students, instructors, and/or preceptors were scheduled for that shift or group of shifts, they will receive an automatic email alert from Fisdap notifying them that their shift was edited.
Shared Scheduler works on a per-site basis. To set up or manage your Shared Scheduler network:
1. Go to the orange Account tab.
2. Click on the Sites link (under Program Settings).
3. Choose the site for which you would like to manage sharing, and click Edit.
4. On the Edit Site page, click on the gray Sharing Network tab.
5. There are a few possible options on this tab, depending on the status of the sharing network at this site.
• No Sharing Network:
If no one has set up a sharing network for this site yet, click the blue
Request Sharing button to send a request to Fisdap to start a network for this site.
• Join an Existing Network:
If other programs have already set up a sharing network for this site, click the blue Request Sharing
button to send a request to the Admin to join the network. Once the Admin approves your request, you will be added to the network and shared shifts will appear on your calendar. Depending on whether the Admin gives you permission,
you may also have the ability to create shifts that are shared with the rest of the network. Shared shifts will appear on your calendar with the Shared icon:
• Member of an Existing Network:
If the Admin does not permit your program to create shared shifts for this site, you are a Member of the sharing network. You can always remove yourself from the network by selecting your program name from the Sharing list on the right and moving it into the Not Sharing list on the left.
• Admin of an Existing Network:
If the Admin does permit your program to create shared shifts for this site, you are also considered an Admin of the sharing network. (When you create or edit shifts, you can decide on a per-shift-basis whether you want to share the shift, and with whom.) You can accept sharing requests by selecting programs in the Not Sharing list and moving them into the Sharing list on the right; you can also remove programs from the network (including your own) by selecting them in the Sharing list and moving them into the Not Sharing list on the left. Additionally, you can edit other programs’ permissions by selecting them in the Sharing list and clicking
Fisdap Tips & Tricks: 10/2/2019 — Shared Networks
Compliance is a feature of the Fisdap Scheduler that allows you to assign requirements to your students and instructors, and track their progress as they complete each one. Requirements can be anything from immunizations, to training, to background checks and fingerprinting - basically anything you need to keep track of. Once requirements are assigned, you can see whether or not your students are compliant to attend their shifts by viewing their compliance status on the calendar.
Compliance also works with Shared Scheduler and allows you to share requirements among the programs in your network. This ensures that students from all programs in the network are held accountable to a shared set of requirements that is set by the sharing Admin.
Fisdap Tips & Tricks: 1/22/2020 – Fisdap Scheduler and Compliance
To add a new requirement:
1. Go to the orange Account tab.
2. Click on the Requirements link (under Program Settings).
1. From anywhere in the Scheduler, go to the Compliance drop-down menu.
2. Click on the Requirements link.
3. Click on the + Requirement button.
4. Enter all of the information about the requirement you are adding and click Save.
To assign an existing requirement,
1. Go to the orange Account tab.
2. Click on the Requirements link (under Program Settings).
1. From anywhere in the Scheduler, go to the Compliance drop-down menu.
2. Click on the Requirements link.
3. Locate the requirement (or requirements) you would like to assign and select by clicking the checkbox.
4. Click the gray Assign button.
To assign requirements to students:
Select student names and move them into the Selected Students list to assign the requirement to them, or into the Available Students list to unassign it. (If you have a long list of Available students, you can use the filters to narrow it down, or type your student’s name in the search box.) Once you have configured your students, use the date picker to select when the requirement will be due and click Save.
To assign requirements to instructors:
In the “Select from a list of” option, flip the button to “instructors”. Select instructor names and move them into the Selected Instructors list to assign the requirement to them, or into the Available Instructors list to unassign it. Once you have configured your instructors, use the date picker to select when the requirement will be due and click Save.
If there is a requirement in your system that you no longer want to use, you can deactivate it. Deactivated requirements will not show up anywhere beyond your Manage Requirements page and will not affect the compliance statuses of the people it was previously assigned to. For all intents and purposes, it will be invisible (but you can reactivate it at any time, and all assignments and compliance statuses will return when you do).
To deactivate a requirement,
1. Go to the orange Account tab.
2. Click on the Requirements link (under Program Settings).
1. From anywhere in the Scheduler, go to the Compliance drop-down menu.
2. Click on the Requirements link.
3. Locate the requirement you would like to deactivate in the list and toggle the switch to Inactive.
4. Click Ok to confirm.
There are two types that you can choose between when setting up requirements: Program and Site.
Program Requirements
This type is ideal for requirements that you want people to fulfill regardless of sites they will be attending when they go on their shifts. If someone does not fulfill a Program requirement, they will look non-compliant for all of their shifts. An example of a Program requirement might be: Get Student ID Photo Taken.
If you are using Shared Scheduler, note that Program requirements cannot be shared and are visible only to people from your program. People from other programs in your network cannot see your students’ Program requirements. Therefore, if your student is non-compliant for a Program requirement, they will appear non-compliant to you, but they will appear compliant to people from other programs in your network. This allows you to track requirements that are important to your program independently of requirements that are important to the Admin of the site you are sending people to.
Site Requirements
This type is ideal for requirements that you want people to fulfill for specific sites. If someone does not fulfill a Site requirement, he will look non-compliant only for shifts that take place at the selected sites. Another feature of Site requirements is that they are automatically assigned to anyone who signs up for (or is assigned to) a shift at the selected sites. This allows you to decide whether to assign these requirements yourself ahead of time (useful for sites that your students will definitely attend), or to wait and let the system assign them for you once your student is on a shift at the selected sites (useful for sites that your students rarely attend and would not otherwise need to fulfill the requirement).
If you are using Shared Scheduler and are an Admin, you can share Site requirements with the other programs in your network. Sharing a Site requirement will automatically assign it to everyone currently scheduled to attend a shift at this site, as well as anyone who attends a shift at this site in the future. This ensures that everyone coming to your site must fulfill your shared requirements or they will appear non-compliant. Shared Site requirements are visible to everyone in the network, so if a student is non-compliant for a shared Site requirement, they will appear non-compliant to everyone.
If you are using Shared Scheduler and are not an Admin, you may receive shared Site requirements that your students must fulfill. If you are concerned about the requirements set up by the Admin of your site, work with them to determine the best solution for your network.
If you have permission, you can track people’s progress as they complete their assigned requirements by marking them “compliant” for each one. To mark someone compliant,
1. From anywhere in the Scheduler, go to the Compliance drop-down menu.
2. Click on the Edit Status link.
3. You have two options for editing compliance status - By Requirements and By People.
Edit Compliance Status By Requirements:
Allows you to select requirements and retrieve the info about the people who have had those requirements assigned to them. This option is ideal for marking multiple people compliant for the same requirement.
Select one or more requirements by clicking on them in the list. You can use the gray Program, Site, and Shared buttons to filter your list, or type a requirement title in the search box to easily find the one you are looking for.
If you want to retrieve info about everyone who has these requirements, leave the “Edit compliance status for” button flipped to all. If you want to retrieve info about a select group of people who have these requirements, flip the button to specific and use the options below to limit your results.
Click Go.
In the Edit Compliance: By Requirement expanded section, results are organized in segments - one for each requirement you selected. Under each requirement, you will see a list of people and their compliance statuses.
- To mark someone compliant, toggle the switch next to their name to Compliant, and use the date picker to enter an expiration date if applicable.
- If all the people in one section are going to be marked compliant, click the Mark all compliant link.
- If this requirement expires and everyone has a common expiration date, click the gray Expiration button and use the date picker to enter an expiration date. Click the blue Apply button.
- If everyone has different expiration dates, you can enter them separately using the date pickers to the right of each person’s name.
Once you have finished editing, be sure to click Save.
Edit Compliance Status By People:
Allows you to select one or more people and retrieve info about the requirements that have been assigned to them. This option is ideal for marking one person compliant for multiple requirements.
Select one or more people by clicking on them in the list. You can use the gray Instructors and Students buttons to filter your list, or type a person’s name in the search box to easily find the one you are looking for. Click Go.
Results are organized in sections - one for each person you selected. Under each name, you will see a list of requirements and the compliance status for each one. For each applicable requirement, toggle the switch next to it to Compliant, and use the date picker to enter an expiration date if applicable.
Once you have finished editing, click Save.
You can view your students’ compliance status in a couple of places - on the Scheduler calendar, and in their student portfolios.
Compliance on the calendar
The calendar displays your students’ compliance status on a per shift basis. Since you can set up Site requirements which only apply at certain sites, a student may be compliant for some shifts while being non-compliant for others.
1. Go to the orange Shifts tab.
2. Click on the Schedule link.
3. If a shift has a non-compliant student scheduled, you will see this icon . Click a student’s name to see more information about their requirements and find out why they are non-compliant for this shift.
Compliance in the portfolio
Student portfolios contain lots of useful information about your students, including their compliance status.
1. Go to the orange MyFisdap tab.
2. Click on the Student Portfolios link.
3. Select the student whose compliance status you would like to view.
4. Click on the gray Compliance Status tab.
You can see a list of all the requirements that have been assigned to this student along with his compliance status for each requirement and when the requirements are due or will expire. Click each requirement to see more information about where it is required as well as the history. Use the gray In Progress, Compliant, and Non-Compliant buttons to filter the list based on status.
In Progress requirements have not been completed, but they aren't due yet.
Compliant requirements have been completed and are currently in good standing.
Non-compliant requirements are either past due or expired.
If your student is non-compliant for any requirements, you can click the gray Send email button to prompt your student to take action.
Click the gray See list button to display a list of all the sites where your student is compliant to attend shifts.