Scheduler / Shifts
Frequently Asked Questions
Go to the orange Shifts tab.
Click on the Schedule link.
Find a shift with an open slot
that fits into your schedule.
Click on the shift to view additional shift information and click Sign up to schedule.
Verify that the shift is the one you want by clicking the Confirm button.
If you are using Skills Tracker, once the shift is added to your schedule it will also be added to your shift list in the Skills & Patient Care section. You will not be able to enter data for the shift, however, until the shift has occurred.
Fisdap Student Tutorial: Signing Up for Shifts
Some programs allow students to swap, drop or cover certain shifts, and some may require instructor approval. If this is the case, your instructor will be notified via email of your request, and the change will not take effect until your instructor gives his or her approval.
To swap, drop or cover a shift:
- Click on the shift you can no longer attend.
- If you are able to submit a change request, you will see the green checkmarks indicating whether you can drop, cover, or swap the shift.
- Click the Request change button.
- Toggle between the options of drop, swap or cover. Input any necessary additional information and submit your request.
If you created a shift, you can edit it. If you signed up for the shift, you can only edit it in the Skills & Patient Care section. For example, you can edit the length of the shift in case it ended early.
To edit a shift you signed up for:
- From the main Skills & Patient Care page, choose the shift you want to edit.
- Click anywhere in the shift row to advance to the My Shift page.
- Click the Edit link and update the information.
- Save your changes.
Fisdap Student Tutorial: Entering Skills on a Lab Shift
Compliance is a feature of the Fisdap Scheduler that allows your instructors to assign requirements to you, and track your progress as you complete each one. Requirements can be anything from immunizations, to training, to background checks and fingerprinting - basically anything your school needs to keep track of. Once requirements are assigned, you can see whether or not you are compliant to attend shifts by viewing your compliance status on the calendar.
Fisdap has two types of requirements: site requirements and program requirements. If you are out of compliance for a program requirement, you will appear out of compliance for all shifts. Alternatively, you may only appear out of compliance for specific shifts that have site requirements. You cannot change your own compliance status--only an instructor with permission to manage requirements can help you with that.
Also note that you should adhere to your program's policies and directions about whether you should go and attend shifts for which you are out of compliance.
You can view your compliance status in a couple of places - on the Scheduler calendar and in your student portfolio.
Compliance on the calendar
The calendar displays your compliance status on a per shift basis. Because Site requirements may only apply at certain sites, you may be compliant for some shifts while being non-compliant for others.
1. Go to the orange Shifts tab.
2. Click on the Schedule link.
3. If you are non-compliant for a scheduled shift, you will see this icon . Click your name to see more information about your requirements and find out why you are non-compliant for this shift.
Compliance in the portfolio
Student portfolios contain lots of useful information, including your compliance status.
1. Go to the orange MyFisdap tab.
2. Click on the MyPortfolio link.
3. Click on the gray Compliance Status tab.
Here you can see a list of all the requirements that have been assigned to you, along with your compliance status for each, and when they are due or will expire. Click each requirement to see more information about where it is required, as well as a history. Use the gray In Progress, Compliant, and Non-Compliant buttons if you would like to filter the list based on status (In Progress requirements have not been completed, but they aren't due yet; Compliant requirements have been completed and are currently in good standing; Non-compliant requirements are either past due or expired).